Thursday, July 10, 2008

Week 2 Written Analysis

Apple Inc. has developed three generations of the popular music gadget called the iPod. Since the first generation, introduced in 2005, the iPod nano has become the number one selling MP3 player in history. Although most of the physical appearance is common with the first generation, the technology features have changed greatly. The third generation Nano uses a flash memory instead of a hard disk used in the iPod classic. This avoids moving parts due to rapid movement, making the iPod resistant to skip.
Like the iPod classic, the Nano has a Click Wheel used to navigate the iPod’s menus. The features include: music, movies, TV shows, pod casts, audio books, games, photos, and many other extras such as a stopwatch, calendar, and contacts. In order to secure the contacts or calendars information, the Nano has a combination lock feature to keep all of the personal information safe. With third-party connections, the third generation Nano supports voice recordings.
The iPod connects to a computer using a USB cable in which it automatically charges the Nano’s battery at the same time. One downside for this new generation is the inability to automatically synchronize. The first two generations included this feature but the third generation does not. On a single charge, the battery will approximately last for 24 hours on playback or 5 hours on video playback (Apple, 2008). In order to download music, movies, and other features, the iPod must be connected to iTunes on Microsoft Windows or Mac OS X. This is a software program created by Apple, Inc and designed to allow consumers to purchase their favorite songs, movies, and videos for the iPods. The software has recently been updated and now consumers have the ability to purchase news broadcasts, television shows, and even audio books such as the Harry Potter series. The audio book will recognize where you left off and bookmarks it automatically.
From personal experience, I think this product is one of the greatest investments I have ever chosen. I purchased the third generation iPod Nano for my oldest daughter this past Christmas, and the quality of music is astonishing. It is crystal clear and doesn’t fade in and out or even skip. All you have to do is connect it to your computer and the iTunes store opens automatically. The store itself is really easy to navigate and purchase your chosen material. I even setup an account in which you enter gift certificates or gift cards and it automatically adds these funds into your iTunes account and keeps track of your purchases. This way you always know how much money is left to purchase those favorite songs, movies, or videos.
I have borrowed the Nano on numerous occasions to workout, ride bikes, 4-wheeling, and just as I stated above, the soothing music never stops or skips a beat. So, if you are looking for a product with everlasting peaceful sound and great graphics, then I would recommend you try this product.

iPod Nano. (2008). Wikimedia foundation Inc. Retrieved July 8, 2008, from

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