Sunday, July 6, 2008

Icon Analysis

The three contemporary icons I have identified are The Coyote and the Road Runner, and Mary Poppin’s. Road Runner is a Warner Bros cartoon created in 1948. The Road Runner is always seen running down the road very fast being chased by the Coyote. All of a sudden, the Road Runner will stop, and Wile E. Coyote will come within inches of catching the Road Runner. During the episodes the only sounds from the Road Runner are “meep” “meep” and occasionally a tongue noise. The Coyote will occasionally make noises after being caught up in his own traps or he will hold up a sign with words on it. Mary Poppins is an icon for children’s books. In 1964 it was created into a musical Disney film and eventually it reached the theaters. Mary Poppins is a nanny with special powers who comes to help two children regain the love and compassion for their father.

I chose these icons because these were my favorite cartoon characters and movie growing up. I was truly a tomboy growing up and I enjoyed watching the Coyote’s inventions fail and come back to haunt him. I ran track and field, so I always wanted to be able to run as fast as the Road Runner. My favorite movie of all times growing up was Mary Poppins. I loved to run around the house singing and dancing to all of the songs in the movie. The very first scene in the movie was my favorite. I just thought it would be so cool to be able to fly. So, I tried. I took a box of garbage bags and umbrella’s from the house and jumped off the top of our gym set with them. Needless to say, I destroyed the umbrellas and blew out the bottom of each garbage bag. Being the devil I was, I folded each garbage bag neatly and placed them back in the cabinet. Boy did I get in trouble for this one.

Reviewing these Icons brings back so many memories when I was a child. My father would lay with me and my sisters in the middle of the living room floor and watch the cartoons on a little black and white, nine inch television. At that time, I thought it was great. As we grew up, my family would make a family night and we would all watch cartoons and eat popcorn. It’s just the little things in life that mean so much and once we grow up we tend to forget these precious moments.


Anonymous said...


I am a little younger than you, but I also loved watching the coyote and the roadrunner when I was little. Roadrunner was actually my nickname in softball because I was fast and I had such skinny legs! I think it is cool that this aspect of popular culture makes us have something in common even though we are different.


Karen Flohre said...

Teresa -
I loved reading your blog and your story of trying to fly. I love the 3 icons you picked. Mary Poppins is one of the best movies ever made. High-speed internet was named after the Road Runner. I bet he's happy about that.

ber1423 said...

I really enjoyed reading your blog about Mary Poppins, coyote, and the roadrunner. I used to sit with my grandpa and watch the coyote and roadrunner that was his favorite cartoon. Mary Poppins was one of my favorite shows. I used to always wish I could jump into a picture on the ground and end up being in that setting like when they did and got in between the horse race and rode the merry go round.