Thursday, July 17, 2008

Week 4 Analysis

My weekly analysis is on one of my favorite TV series show Rescue Me. The first episode aired in 2004 and it is currently working on the fifth season. Since the writers went on strike, the new season premieres, which consists of 22 episodes, will not be shown until March 2009 (Rescue, 2008). This TV series focuses on the professional and personal lives of the New York fire department. I think the producers of the show created it to exhibit their condolences to all of the firefighters and families who were killed on September 11, 2001. In such a tragic event, a very popular entity was produced.

The star of the show, Denis Leary, who plays the role of Tommy Gavin, is a character whose life is filled with torment and chaos. Tommy has to struggle with the loss of his best friend in the 911 attack, Jimmy Keefe, a cousin, a brother, and eventually the death of a son. As the show progresses, he suffers from the loss of his wife and other surviving children. During the show Tommy is frequently revisited by his former best friend through visions. To help cure some of his frustrations, Tommy becomes an alcoholic and pill junkie. Maybe that’s why so many adult Americans turn to alcohol and drugs to cure their feelings. One might think to themselves, “It makes the popular actors feel better, why not me.”

During season four, in 2007, Tommy has accepted his ex-wife’s baby as his own only to find out that the baby boy might be the son of his dead brother. This scenario reminds me of the numerous stories I have heard about this kind of thing happening in the real world. For example, a friend of mine found out she was pregnant and told the guy she was dating at the time the baby belonged to him. So, he did the right thing. They were married and over thirteen years later, after their divorce, paternity tests proved that he was not the father after all. I couldn’t imagine raising a baby for so many years only to find out it isn’t yours. Being the type of father he is, today he still pays child support and shares the parenting time with the child.

The final scenes to season four are Tommy and his father at a Newark Bears minor league baseball game, in which Tommy’s dad requested. The dad explains to Tommy “how baseball is like life, waiting for something to come and not being awake for it to happen, but having enough time for a beer, a hot dog, and maybe a blowjob here and there” (Rescue, 2008). Ultimately tragic strikes again for Tommy as his father passes away right there in his seat at the game. Once Tommy realizes, he embraces his father in his arms and continues to watch the game. Now I have to wait until 2009 to find out what is going to happen next.

Here is the official website for the TV series show Rescue Me. If anyone wants to read about each season or any of the characters within the show just click on the link below.


Rescue Me (TV series). (2008) Retrieved July, 17, 2008 from


me said...

This sounds like a really great show. I have so much admiration for firemen. They are like a "community national guard" almost. I have seen firemen helping people in our community with a lot more than fires. There is a fire station near my home and sometimes I take cookies or baked goods to the fire station. They are really great guys and they do so much for the community. I'm going to have to add this show to my "must watch" list! Great post!

Kristy said...

I agree. It does sound like a good show. We sometimes forget that firemen are real people too. They deal with things in their own lives everyday. I think it is easy for us to look to them as strong men who can press through any situation. We seem to hold them in a higher regard than white collar worker because they are out there putting their life on the line everyday. When in fact inside they are no different than the rest of us. I think I may check the show out too!

Jay Cermak said...

Good Job Here, that does sound like a good show. Firemen risk their lives daily and are a step above the rest so I beleive they will always be viewed as a hero to millions.

Justin Stanczak said...

I have not had a chance to watch this show, but sometime I will have to make time. I probably don't watch is because I'm not to fond of Dennis, but I've heard this is a rather good show. For that reason I should probably give it the benefit of the doubt.