Monday, July 14, 2008

Week 3 Weekly Analysis

Brittney Spears has been in the media a great number of times lately over the custody battle she and her ex, Kevin Ferderline, have been dealing with for months. Since their divorce, Brittany has neglected her two sons on numerous occasions, according to the news media, and caused great harm to them mentally. Paparazzi took her picture while she was holding one of her son's in her lap, of course no seatbelt, driving down the street. So, why didn't the police take some serious action during this neglecting occurrence? You know if it was either you or I in those pictures the police would have been knocking on our doors, but since she is a popular icon in our society nothing was pursued. Her latest episodes include the shaving of her head, a trip to the psychiatric ward, and other hospital visits for alcohol overdoses. She has been arrested and charged with DUI. As for all popular entertainers, she did not spend any time behind the bars. Even if she was loaded with illegal drugs or an opened alcoholic beverage in her front seat, nothing serious would have been done. Yet for any normal citizen, like me and you, just walking down the street with an alcoholic beverage, or carrying an empty pipe, or even giving the "Bird" , would land us right in the slammer for months. All Brittney experienced was a possible finger printing and picture at most. Brittney is only human and when there's a will there's a way. To my surprise, Brittney is trying get her life back on track. She has completed many court appointed evaluations, no jail time for her numerous offenses, and even started her own little tykes dancing class. What's wrong with this picture? As a parent of two, I would not allow my children near such a negative influence but apparently, many parents don't care. The children in her class absolutely love her, just the impressions you get by looking at the pictures in all of the media views, and enjoy the dances she has taught them such as jazz, ballet, and tap. Over seven weeks ago Brittney lost all parental rights to her children, go figure, except for phone calls. She was not able to see or visit with them in any manner. Well at least the judge made the right decision to grant full custody to the stable parent in this case.

On June 25, 2008, the courts finally granted her overnight visitation rights according to The reevaluation of Brittney's emotional and psychological health must has changed dramatically for the judge to make this decision. The one stunning part of this whole case is the fact that this same judge has granted Kevin Ferderline the right to give one of their sons a gun for the overnight stays. Come on now, a gun for a toddler to use. Our society is so conscious about anyone owning or carrying a gun for any reason and now they are going to allow a toddler to carry one? The courts believe it is the right thing to do for the safety of the children. Then what about the safety of all human beings? All I see is an accident waiting to happen. We all know that young children are curious and view guns as toys. We can tell them about all the dangers they cause and forbid them from touching one, but does this actually work? From my own experience, no. Kids will be kids. It is in their natures to be curious about all the things their parents say they can not touch, do, or say. The media is filled with numerous gun accidents among adults and children, happening on a daily basis. On a personal note, I was best friends with a guy in my teenage years who accidently shot and killed one of our mutual best friends. He claimed they were playing around with his fathers hand gun and did not know it was loaded until he pointed the gun at him and pulled the trigger. It was one of the hardest years of school in my entire career. So in Brittney's case, the judges unethical decision to allow the child near a gun is outrageous.

I’m personally glad to see Brittney trying to straighten out her life. She is an overall good entertainer and singer. She has been in the spotlight since a fairly young age starting out on the Disney Channel. There are millions of people, who go through nasty divorces and fight for their children, but we don’t hear about every problem or setback they might be going through and the appointed judge is not going to allow the children to carry a concealed weapon of any source. Unfortunately for Brittany, she chose to be an entertainer and with that comes all the media, magazines, and paparazzi.

Reference Article and Pictures:


K. Aaron Luking said...

A judge gave Kevin Federline the right to give a four year old a gun for overnight stays. What??? That is literally the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in my life. I wouldn't let a four year old play with scissors, let alone even touch a gun. If this is true, this judge should definitely be removed and put in psychiatric ward right beside Britney Spears, because it sounds like these two are on the same level.

me said...

I had to take a double-take when you mentioned that Jayden was allowed a gun. In fact, I had to research it myself because it seemed just to unreal, but it is true. I am totally amazed, because if any of our children touch a gun, the penalty is very high. This judge has not only made a careless decision, he has set a precedent that I am sure will be used in future gun cases that involve young children.

Jay Cermak said...

I'm not sure either of them are fit to be a parent. All of Brittany's troubles didn't start until Kevin came along. They were not prepared to have kids. The funny thing to me is that he has custody of these two kids but he has other kids too LOL and he didn't seem to be a good dad before so why should we expect him to be one now. He only has the kids because the judge see's him as being more fit to take care of them than Brittany. It's all just a sad sad story, those poor kids.